It was muddy out in Kent on a London Birding Breakout Tour yesterday with David from Ontario but the birds made all the slipping and sliding worthwhile! Here is a photo report from our amazing day in the field:
Several Snipe were hiding in the margins at Oare Marshes
One of the highlights of the day was this incredible encounter with this Barn Owl!
We encountered Great White Egrets at Oare and Stodmarsh
Linnets were still in small flocks
Curlew, the largest wader in the world
A pair of Shelducks, one of many on The Swale
Avocets put on a good show at Oare...
... As did Redshanks
This male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker was a terrific moment as we enter the prime time of year for this species
Stodmarsh offered good views of Pochard...
... Which was keeping company with Tufted Ducks
Things ended beautifully with no fewer than SEVEN Hen Harriers roosting in the Stour Valley, including two males, followed by four Woodcocks heading out to feed at dusk (plus a Merlin!)
Wow! What's the collective noun for hen harriers I wonder? Lovely shot of the barn owl.