It was a lovely morning of birding at Pulborough Brooks, guiding James and his dad. We recorded 56 species of bird, including a typically slumbering Spoonbill on the North Brooks. After a while it woke up and started feeding enthusiastically. This is a scarce bird in the South Downs National Park, so a real treat to watch!

Other highlights included a Little Ringed Plover picking along the shoreline, a couple of Avocets, a croaking Nightingale, a noisy family of Green Woodpeckers, and hordes of Sand Martins and House Martins.

Bullfinches flitted over the path, while Nuthatches and Treecreepers occasionally revealed themselves among gangs of young Long-tailed Tits, and Sedge Warblers, Whitethroats and Blackcaps were still in good voice.

A female Roe Deer quietly led her two fawns through the marsh, while Marbled Whites and Small/Essex Skippers flitted by the side of the path as the day warmed up.
