This week we were joined by Rachael from California for a very enjoyable two-day tour during her extended layover, heading out from Heathrow for some excellent birding. Here is a photo blog of just some of the highlights...
In the mild and sunny conditions, Blue Tits at Richmond Park were inspecting potential nest sites for next year
Robins were very friendly in Richmond Park!
We were amazed to spot this roosting Tawny Owl by chance while watching Goldcrests in a nearby conifer
The owl had certainly chosen a cosy spot to slumber!
Marsh Tits showed nicely for us in the Chilterns
We took time to photograph Red Kites in the Chilterns
The kites were picking small prey items from a stubble field
But sometimes they picked up a clod of earth and plant material instead
The same field in the Chilterns was full of Redwings (photo) and Fieldfares
Pied Wagtails greeted us at Staines Moor
Wintering Chiffchaffs were feeding busily along the River Colne
Water Pipits were a highlight at Staines Moor, this being a rare wintering species in Britain
A male Dartford Warbler was a delightful surprise
We spent time watching Little Grebes diving in the river
Green Woodpeckers were active on the moor
Several pairs of Stonechats allowed good photographic opportunities
A Kingfisher was making the most of the floods
This male Mute Swan was keen to turf intruders out of his territory
Despite being in winter plumage, pairs of Great Crested Grebes on a calm Staines Reservoir were getting in the mood for some courtship behaviour
This immaculate first-winter Common Gull patrolled the causeway at Staines Reservoir
Staines Reservoir delivered an extra Water Pipit, calling as it flew around us before heading off