... is how the Collins Bird Guide describes the flight call of the Wood Sandpiper. It sounds far less like a Chiffchaff than the phonetic description implies, but other than that it's not far off. These simple notes rang out from above me as I walked along the lower Cuckmere this morning. And again a few minutes later. I just couldn't get eyes on the bird but suspected I would before long, as the bird was probably being inadvertently pushed around by walkers and kayakers, rather than migrating over in broad daylight.

Sure enough, a little further along, a suitably sized wader dropped down in front of me, revealing a pleasingly lightly barred underwing and tail as it settled. Despite surely clocking me on its descent, the Wood Sandpiper landed really quite close, allowing me a really good look at what might be my favourite wader. With its evenly pristine plumage, it was clearly this year's young, only a few weeks out of its Fennoscandian nest.
While this bird was enjoying the meanders, the straightened section of the Cuckmere had a Green Sandpiper and three Common Sandpipers feeding along its muddy edge. Another exciting moment was provided by a Sparrowhawk which tried to seize a Meadow Pipit but the smaller bird pulled some nifty manoeuvres and got away.