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Autumn bird tours photo round-up!

Writer's picture: WildstartsWildstarts

It's been a very busy season for our Sussex and London tours so instead of writing them up for the journal individually, why not have a look back at some of the overall highlights?

We've met some awesome people from across the UK and overseas over the last few weeks and it has been a priviledge to share the birds of Sussex and South East England with them. Every single tour went wonderfully, with countless memorable avian encounters and long lists of lifers for our clients.

Sedge Warbler. Sussex birding tours with Wildstarts.
Back in September we were enjoying a variety of migrant warblers, like this Sedge Warbler at Pagham Harbour
Wheatears. Sussex birding tours with Wildstarts.
The South Downs delivered sightings of Wheatears passing through on their way south to Africa
White-tailed Eagle over Pulborough Brooks. Sussex guided bird tours with Wildstarts.
Several trips to the Arun Valley featured the spectacular White-tailed Eagles
Evenings often finished with Grey Partridges and owls
Spotted Redshanks feeding. Sussex birdwatching tours with Wildstarts.
Wetlands delivered exciting waders like these Spotted Redshanks in a feeding frenzy
Curlew. Woodlark in song flight. Sussex guided birding trips with Wildstarts.
Along with familiar coastal favourites like Curlew
Woodlark in song flight. Sussex guided birding trips with Wildstarts.
The heaths were still alive with the sound of Woodlark on bright days...
Dartford Warbler. Sussex guided birding trips with Wildstarts.
... and the fuzzy calls of Dartford Warblers
Treecreeper. Sussex guided birding trips with Wildstarts.
Treecreepers always brighten up a woodland walk
Marsh Tit. Sussex guided birding trips with Wildstarts.
... As do Marsh Tits...
Firecrest. Sussex guided birding trips with Wildstarts.
...And Firecrests
Little Owl. Sussex guided birding trips with Wildstarts.
A sunbathing Little Owl was a welcome bonus on bright days
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. Sussex guided birding trips with Wildstarts.
Every day is different. You can never see every target species but often something unexpected appears instead. We'd never have counted on finding Lesser Spotted Woodpecker in October but one crossed our path!
Olive-backed Pipit. Sussex birdwatching walks with Wildstarts.
We'll long remember the season for finding Sussex's THIRD-EVER Olive-backed Pipit at Cissbury Ring during a Sussex Guided Bird Walk -- what a result!

Christmas is coming up so why not treat someone special to a tour voucher?


Wildstarts logo. Sussex birding tours. London birdwatching tours. Guided birding in Sussex and London. Wildlife experiences in Sussex. Family activities in Sussex. Outdoor Sussex. Gifts for bird lovers and birdwatchers.
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