We do apologise for the lack of posts lately, it can be tricky to find the time to put them together when we're always out in the field!
Anyway, Stuart from Jersey was back after his first tour last year. This time we had a relaxed look from a couple of the hides at Dungeness, just taking in whatever crossed our path.
A bench by some dead branches seemed made for a stakeout. Reed Warblers and Wrens worked through the brush but were all upstaged by a Sedge Warbler!

The water levels on the reserve are now ideal for birds and we enjoyed waders such as Common Sandpiper, Avocet and Ringed Plover.
Best of all though was a special summer duck.
Garganey is our only summer-visiting species of wildfowl and one afforded a closer swim-past than you can normally hope for...

... But a brood of Shovelers won the cuteness prize for the day!
