The filter beds were busy with birds at Waltham Brooks this morning, with a Grey Wagtail singing his metallic song being very hard to miss. Some Chiffchaffs flitted around the edges, where a Goldcrest sang and Long-tailed Tits busied themselves. Overhead, a Red Kite and a Buzzard breezed through.

Cetti's Warblers greeted us as we crossed the railway onto the marsh, then a Marsh Harrier appeared, floating over the main pool! Three more Red Kites floated high above.

The main pool hosted a flotilla of Shoveler, Teal, Gadwall and Wigeon, along with special appearances from a Pintail and a Shelduck. Meanwhile, a Green Woodpecker 'yaffled' from cover somewhere at the back and a Little Egret came in.

To finish this short but sweet session, a beautiful male Stonechat was throwing some amazing shapes as it snatched tiny insects which entered its 'airspace'.