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4 days ago1 min read
Redpoll mission
On Sunday we had the delight of birding with Chris, a real gent of a birder who started the hobby after moving to Bulgaria a few years...

Mar 26, 20242 min read
Sunny birding mini-trip
It was an absolutely perfect morning when Sarah and I started the day's Sussex Birding Mini-Trip at Iping Common, with the sun out and...

Matt Phelps
Jan 23, 20242 min read
Onto the floods
It was still very flooded out on the South Brooks as we headed past the visitor centre and onto the reserve. Straight away we could see...

Dec 17, 20233 min read
North-west London birding adventure
I picked up Dhashni and Prasatt from Northwood pre-dawn for some birding around the edges of north-west London on 8th December....

Dec 7, 20233 min read
A perfect winter birding trip
On Wednesday I picked up Laura from Oklahoma in Woolwich in good time to arrive in the Ashdown Forest as a perfect day was breaking. Upon...

David Campbell
Nov 9, 20212 min read
A walk in the woods
The autumn colours are just fantastic right now and Westdean Woods was the perfect place to enjoy them this morning. This is one place...
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