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Nov 27, 20241 min read
Layover birding tour
This week we were joined by Rachael from California for a very enjoyable two-day tour during her extended layover, heading out from...

Nov 1, 20241 min read
Hastings and Rye birding
It was a delight to take Kate, Andrew and family on a half-day customised tour last weekend, visiting Rye Harbour and Hastings Country Park.

Aug 25, 20241 min read
Lifer mission for Chester
Young birder Chester had been over in the UK for summer camp and had some important birds to track down before heading home to Hong Kong...

Mar 26, 20242 min read
Sunny birding mini-trip
It was an absolutely perfect morning when Sarah and I started the day's Sussex Birding Mini-Trip at Iping Common, with the sun out and...

Dec 7, 20233 min read
A perfect winter birding trip
On Wednesday I picked up Laura from Oklahoma in Woolwich in good time to arrive in the Ashdown Forest as a perfect day was breaking. Upon...

Nov 9, 20231 min read
Autumn bird tours photo round-up!
It's been a very busy season for our Sussex and London tours so instead of writing them up for the journal individually, why not have a...

Jul 26, 20234 min read
Clashing terns
We recently took Sam from Texas out on a two-day guided birding tour of Sussex and Hampshire. Soon after setting out on the trails at...

Jul 2, 20235 min read
58 lifers
Josh from Colorado asked us to take him on a big day of guided birding out from London so we picked him up from Kensington at 4am and...

Jun 30, 20231 min read
Nightjar-ing deserves a quiet night
We started our latest Sussex Birding Mini-Trip at Knepp Wildlands, where a quick circuit as a 'pre-amble' to the evening birding produced...

David Campbell
May 13, 20231 min read
Redstart ramble
As Jo and I headed out onto Ashdown Forest for Friday's private Sussex Guided Bird Walk, the voices of Redstart, Goldcrest, Greenfinch,...

Matt Phelps
Apr 26, 20232 min read
Half-day birding tour in West Sussex
I met Karen and Allan at at Burton Mill Pond at 8am on Monday last week for what turned out to be a fantastic Sussex Birding Mini-Trip....

Mar 3, 20231 min read
A bird-filled week!
We've led two exciting personalised birding tours over the last few days, with a packed day tour for John and Lizzie from Tennessee on...

Matt Phelps
Feb 18, 20232 min read
Old Lodge bird walk
As we entered the reserve from the car park to embark on our Sussex Guided Bird Walk outing we heard our first couple of species of the...

David Campbell
Jul 17, 20222 min read
Two owls and a moth-hunter
Yesterday evening I guided James, Richard, Myra, Mike and Deborah on a short private tour for three target species in the South Downs....

Jun 13, 20221 min read
Among Nightjars
We got into place in good time for our Dusk Delights walk, with busy pairs of Stonechat and Dartford Warbler, then a Redstart, breaking...

May 25, 20223 min read
Dodging showers!
The forecast looked a little bit wet for yesterday's day tour for Dipten and Sudip, visiting from Mumbai. It turned out to be one of...

David Campbell
May 22, 20222 min read
Redstarts and terns — a May tour in Sussex
Yesterday we guided James for a full day of birding as a birthday treat, and we couldn't have hoped for a better spring day to visit some...

David Campbell
Jan 7, 20222 min read
Little Bunting, big days
The two days just gone saw me tour widely across the South Downs National Park and the nearby Sussex coastline in the EV. The weather was...

David Campbell
Nov 10, 20212 min read
Birding the brooks
Waltham Brooks is a real gem in the South Downs National Park. 51 species of bird were logged in under two hours of birdwatching this...
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