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4 days ago1 min read
Redpoll mission
On Sunday we had the delight of birding with Chris, a real gent of a birder who started the hobby after moving to Bulgaria a few years...

Nov 19, 20241 min read
Two-day Sussex tour
Last week Jeff and John from Ohio joined us for two days of birding in Sussex , notching up 100 species. This quest took us to woodlands,...

Mar 26, 20242 min read
Sunny birding mini-trip
It was an absolutely perfect morning when Sarah and I started the day's Sussex Birding Mini-Trip at Iping Common, with the sun out and...

Mar 25, 20242 min read
Rye filling up with birds
We were greeted by a fly-over Marsh Harrier as we met Andrew and Ellie at Rye Harbour for a Sussex Guided Bird Walk recently, before...

Dec 23, 20232 min read
Rye raptor encounters
A showy pair of Stonechats kicked off our Sussex Guided Bird Walk with Hector and Nigel as we headed out to the reserve at Rye Harbour....

Dec 7, 20233 min read
A perfect winter birding trip
On Wednesday I picked up Laura from Oklahoma in Woolwich in good time to arrive in the Ashdown Forest as a perfect day was breaking. Upon...

Nov 25, 20232 min read
Sunny Rye Harbour bird tour
Soon after starting out on our Sussex Guided Bird Walk at Rye Harbour with Steve and Annette last week, we were stopped in our tracks by...

Mar 10, 20232 min read
Where snipe swim
Tuesday's private Sussex Guided Bird Walk with Jennifer started with the sounds of Greenfinch and Nuthatch as we headed out from the...

Mar 3, 20231 min read
A bird-filled week!
We've led two exciting personalised birding tours over the last few days, with a packed day tour for John and Lizzie from Tennessee on...

David Campbell
Feb 15, 20231 min read
Spoonbill and wheeling flocks
Rachel, Keith and I were greeted by a chorus of Song Thrushes and a beautiful calm Saturday as we started our Sussex Birding Mini-Trip....

Jan 15, 20231 min read
Sabine's Gull in Hampshire!
I couldn't resist a short trip into Hampshire to admire the adult Sabine's Gull that has been delighting crowds on the edge of Langstone...

Sep 22, 20221 min read
Autumn at Pagham
It was a fantastic day guiding Joss and Paul around Pagham Harbour for their custom Sussex Birding Mini-Trip. We managed to find 78...

Jul 22, 20221 min read
A note from the North Wall
I tend to head to the Church Norton side when I visit Pagham Harbour, so a recent visit to the North Wall was a refreshing change, and...
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