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Matt Phelps
Jan 23, 20242 min read
Onto the floods
It was still very flooded out on the South Brooks as we headed past the visitor centre and onto the reserve. Straight away we could see...

Dec 7, 20233 min read
A perfect winter birding trip
On Wednesday I picked up Laura from Oklahoma in Woolwich in good time to arrive in the Ashdown Forest as a perfect day was breaking. Upon...

Dec 1, 20233 min read
Winter thrushes now in!
We headed out with Patrick from Heathrow Airport towards the Sussex countryside mid-morning on Monday, in a bid to see as many species as...

Nick Bond
Nov 21, 20231 min read
Warnham group outing
I had a fantastic day out guiding the 'Grey Plovers' at Warnham recently. The morning rain had cleared as we left Hove and stayed dry...

Sep 16, 20231 min read
August at the Brooks
It was a beautiful morning at Pulborough Brooks, where Scott and I started by watching the feeders along the path from the visitor...

David Campbell
Sep 12, 20232 min read
Rainy day birding
It was tanking down with rain when we arrived at Pulborough Brooks for the day's Sussex Birding Mini-Trip with Sarah and Rachel, but with...

Jul 26, 20234 min read
Clashing terns
We recently took Sam from Texas out on a two-day guided birding tour of Sussex and Hampshire. Soon after setting out on the trails at...

Jul 10, 20233 min read
Silent Cuckoo
Adrian and I met at the walkers' car park at Knepp Wildlands and embarked on the day's Sussex Birding Mini-Trip. After watching Stock...

Jun 30, 20231 min read
Nightjar-ing deserves a quiet night
We started our latest Sussex Birding Mini-Trip at Knepp Wildlands, where a quick circuit as a 'pre-amble' to the evening birding produced...

May 14, 20231 min read
Westdean walk
Yesterday's Sussex Guided Bird Walk with Carol, Tom and Charlie at Westdean Woods started well with a showy Firecrest. Typically, the...

May 7, 20232 min read
Warnham and Pagham mini-tour
We arrived at Warnham Local Nature Reserve shortly after opening time for a recent Sussex Birding Mini-Trip with Stuart and his mother....

Marc Read
Apr 29, 20231 min read
Nightingales and raptors!
The first stop for Sue, Gill and I on Monday's birding tour was Knepp Wildlands, where we were greeted by a Green Woodpecker in flight....

Mar 10, 20232 min read
Where snipe swim
Tuesday's private Sussex Guided Bird Walk with Jennifer started with the sounds of Greenfinch and Nuthatch as we headed out from the...

David Campbell
Feb 15, 20231 min read
Spoonbill and wheeling flocks
Rachel, Keith and I were greeted by a chorus of Song Thrushes and a beautiful calm Saturday as we started our Sussex Birding Mini-Trip....

Jan 25, 20232 min read
Woods, coast and downs — a winter birding day tour!
On Monday I had the pleasure of guiding Ben, who was on a break in London from Chicago, on a day of winter birding and a quest for...

Dec 23, 20221 min read
Identification workshop
We were very excited to host a professional development day for Lizard Landscapes and Ecology, focussing on advancing bird identification...

David Campbell
Aug 2, 20221 min read
A wander around Warnham
I had a fantastic day guiding Jennifer around Warnham Local Nature Reserve near Horsham. She was keen for a gentle few hours of birding...

Jun 25, 20221 min read
Spoonbill and fawns in the South Downs
It was a lovely morning of birding at Pulborough Brooks, guiding James and his dad. We recorded 56 species of bird, including a typically...

May 25, 20223 min read
Dodging showers!
The forecast looked a little bit wet for yesterday's day tour for Dipten and Sudip, visiting from Mumbai. It turned out to be one of...

Mar 26, 20222 min read
South Downs Bird Discovery Walk — Wetlands
It was a perfect day for the first of our new series of Bird Discovery Walks, which took place at Burton and Chingford Ponds as the sun...
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